I'm very upset because I was trying to give back the amount I'd given(only time) and got kicked for it. The CC has become completely hostile with RS gold no human connection. You have this entire forum however you are unable to effectively select the moderators that will be doing their job, or. I'm not able tell you what the real issue is, I'll only share what it's like. The Numinous.
If you've got 90+ attack and strength, then melee could be a better choice. The ranged setup could go as follows... Items that are equipped - Neitiznot (for the prayer) and defence bonus) and any other boots you'd like (ranger or snakeskin are the ones that would benefit the most they are followed by bandos or White for praying),
Method Position yourself right in their direction, keep away from your melee with eagle eye. They'll probably melee the majority of the buy Runescape gold time and your d'hide / weapon will protect you from most of their magical hits. The only damage you'll sustain most often is from their ranged attacks.